Beautifully decorated sugar cookies
perfect for any occasion!
Turtle Leaf Cookie Design is a custom decorated cookie shop.
At Turtle Leaf Cookie Design we specialize in custom decorated cookies and we know that you want custom cookies with incredible taste that will set your events apart.
The problem that many customer run into is that a majority of the cookies available are either beautifully designed and lack taste, or taste great, but come in one-size-fits-all designs. This can lead to you feeling at a loss and with what seems like you lack of options.
You shouldn’t have to settle for cookies that lack in taste or design.
We understand that custom designs and great taste will help make your event memorable, which is why clients like L’oreal’s Valentino Beauty and WithWarmWelcome’s Baker’s Box trust us to design fully custom cookies in 12+ flavors.
We’d love to work with you! To get started head to the “Inquiry” page and fill out an inquiry!
To see us in person, check out our socials or our blog too find out our next events!